Email Marketing

pointilism style for ai driven email marketing content

Is using AI-driven email marketing smart?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is growing in popularity among forward-thinking companies that are looking to create more effective email strategies. The use of AI-driven machines empowers them to “act” like humans by understanding complex data sets in order to make decisions autonomously. With this ability, some suggest Artificial Intelligence will replace the digital/email marketer, as it

Is using AI-driven email marketing smart? Read More »

significant measurement for email campaign performance

A more significant measurement for email campaign performance

Are you bored to tears with click-through rates (CTR) as your email campaign’s performance metric? Is it time to find something better, or different? Consider the click-to-open rate as an alternate metric, as it yields a greater, more noteworthy measurement for email campaign performance. (CTOR) is simply the combination of email opens and click-through rates.

A more significant measurement for email campaign performance Read More »

when your free email account is the cause of undelivered email

When your free email account is the cause of undelivered email

Everyone seems to have a Gmail, Yahoo, or Hotmail account. Some people have all three and more. As an email marketer, list contributor, or active list member (one who contributes to a list), sending out email campaigns with a free email account may be the cause of undelivered email messages.  As you know, the FROM

When your free email account is the cause of undelivered email Read More »

How Our Message Pricing Works

  1. Included Monthly Messages
    Each plan comes with a certain number of included messages at a standard size (up to 40K per email).
  2. Overage Rate
    After you’ve sent all your included messages, each additional 1,000 emails costs $0.90.
  3. What If an Email Is Larger Than 40K?
    • We measure every extra 1K of data beyond 40K as an extra fraction of a message.
    • Example: A 50K email counts as 1.25 messages (because 50K is 1.25 × 40K).
    • This prevents rounding up to a full extra 40K block when you only need 10K more.
  4. Covered by Your Monthly Fee
    • All administrative and automated list messages (welcome emails, unsubscribe confirmations, surveys, etc.)
    • Access to features like archives, refer-a-friend, click/open tracking, feedback loops, and more.