5 Simple Ways to Grow Your Email List, Easier Than Riding a Motorcycle.

Email marketing is atypical from most marketing channels.  In an ideal world email does not invade a person’s universe unless invited.  (Exclude the Spammers ) 🙂  Email is unique, with its best feature being the ability to send “information” to people who are actually interested in that “information”, at a time they are interested in it.  Not true for those others advertising avenues known as mass media.

Mass media advertisers want everybody as an audience with the goal to increase consumption of their products and services.  Mass media, (TV, radio and other innocuous vehicles such as newspapers, magazines and some social media) doesn’t care who their messages reach as long as they do. Email is so much different, it’s based on an audience that is opt-in to the message of the list.

An email group solely interested in motorcycles maybe more receptive to an ad from Progressive Insurance (as a list sponsor) then contacting Progressive after watching a Progressive ad unfold on TV.  Alternately a list authored by an insurance company seeking motorcyclists may do well explaining the ins and outs of


Motorcycle list members

insurance (education) and offer monthly incentives and discounts for referrals.  List membership is so flexible anyone with a product or service can do it and do it well with a reliable hosting company like Dundee Internet Services.

But how do you get people to join your list willingly?

  1. Elicit help from your current members; by offering information that is so valuable or discounts that are too good to pass up, they will want to share your email with a friend.
  2. Invite your online guests to get more out of your website when they subscribe to your email list.  Place email opted in invites in conspicuous places such as, above the fold, in your blog or on the side of all your web pages.  Offer a free guide, coupon or other incentive when they become list subscribers.  And (also let them know they can unsubscribe at any time too)
  3. If you have a Social Media Page, then, you probably have fans; potential dedicated list members.  Hold a contest to lead them back to your website where, when they enter your contest they can opt into your mailing list for future contests and announcements.
    Email address: subscribe to my list
    for future contests
    (optional) Your name:
  4. Pop up boxes know as a Leadbox works well too.   Experiment with placement for optimal results.  For example, people coming from Facebook to your landing page will more likely sign up to your list if you use a pop up box or Leadbox.
  5. Website content can bring in more subscribers.  When you offer a sexy detailed list, 3 easy steps to The Best Grilled Cheese People Will Rave About, include a Leadbox that encourages the reader to join your list to get more information like this.

I know there’s a lot more on this subject so add your comments and join my blog list today!  (The join box is on the right)

How Our Message Pricing Works

  1. Included Monthly Messages
    Each plan comes with a certain number of included messages at a standard size (up to 40K per email).
  2. Overage Rate
    After you’ve sent all your included messages, each additional 1,000 emails costs $0.90.
  3. What If an Email Is Larger Than 40K?
    • We measure every extra 1K of data beyond 40K as an extra fraction of a message.
    • Example: A 50K email counts as 1.25 messages (because 50K is 1.25 × 40K).
    • This prevents rounding up to a full extra 40K block when you only need 10K more.
  4. Covered by Your Monthly Fee
    • All administrative and automated list messages (welcome emails, unsubscribe confirmations, surveys, etc.)
    • Access to features like archives, refer-a-friend, click/open tracking, feedback loops, and more.