Using Templates
Your Lyris ListManager™ comes with several pre-designed templates that you can use and modify. If you are familiar with HTML you can create your own template to be used for your mailings.
To access the templates click on “Content-View Templates”
When the new window opens click on the drop down menu and choose “Built-in Templates”. Once you click on the “Built-in Templates the page will display several templates you can choose from.
To use or look at the templates look to the right and you have the option of previewing the template or use it to create content.
I choose the template “Sample 01”. I clicked on “Create Content” and the window below opened. The first tab is the “Essentials” tab. Here you fill in the name for your content mailing and a description. You then need to put in your email address and a subject.
The second tab is the “Fill In Editable Regions” when you can add an image from your image library, type in a title and first paragraph text. You can continue to edit your template for a mailing or save it for future editing.