Searching for Messages

The basic search feature allows you to search the message archives for particular words used in a message.

Basic Search

Log into the forum URL, click “My Forums” or “All Forums” in the left navigation bar. If you are subscribed to several forums you will need to select the forum that you want to search, click the “Search” button in the left navigation bar.

search for

In the “Search for” box, type in a few words that you would like to do a search on, you can separate these words with a space or comma; now click the Search button.

search for

If your search is successful, the next page will show the results, it will display the date the message was created and the subject name.

search results

Advanced Search

The advanced search allows you to specify the location of the words (in the message header, subject or body) or to exclude words. To use the “Advanced” search feature click the link under the search box.

advanced search

In the screen for the “Advanced” search you can do a more detailed search, this works exceptionally well for forums that have a high volume of messages; this feature allows you to be more selective in your search, you can search the entire message, the body of the message or the header. The option is also available to exclude words from your search. Now click the “Search” button, the next screen will display your results.


advance search for

How Our Message Pricing Works

  1. Included Monthly Messages
    Each plan comes with a certain number of included messages at a standard size (up to 40K per email).
  2. Overage Rate
    After you’ve sent all your included messages, each additional 1,000 emails costs $0.90.
  3. What If an Email Is Larger Than 40K?
    • We measure every extra 1K of data beyond 40K as an extra fraction of a message.
    • Example: A 50K email counts as 1.25 messages (because 50K is 1.25 × 40K).
    • This prevents rounding up to a full extra 40K block when you only need 10K more.
  4. Covered by Your Monthly Fee
    • All administrative and automated list messages (welcome emails, unsubscribe confirmations, surveys, etc.)
    • Access to features like archives, refer-a-friend, click/open tracking, feedback loops, and more.