Email Submitted Content
When an email is sent to your Lyris ListManager™ and you would like it to have a certain look with headings and footers you can edit it under “Utilities -List Settings- Email Submitted Content”
The text will be appended to the email message body when the message is sent to the list via email only. These settings are not in effect when sending through the Lyris ListManager™ administration web interface.
Under the “Message Wrapping” tab you can put a Text Header Message, a Footer Message and a HTML Message header”.
Under the “Security” tab you can set different security feature if you require them. For the average email mailing most of the time this will be set to “no”.
Under the “Approval” tab you can set if you would like the list emails to be moderated or not. You can also set when you would like the emails to be released for sending.
Under the “Email Header” you can change the date to send, add list help headers and add a SMTP header.
Under the “Header Rewrites” you can change “From, Reply To and To” email addresses.