Did you know ListManager does this?

Deliverability Controls:

  • View at-a-glance deliverability results for recent mailings right on the home page, with an easy drill down to view issues or concern.

  • Mail Overview Report provides more delivery information upfront for quick insight into campaign results, and the ability to drill down on delivery results for specific email addresses.

Deliverability Enhancement:

  • Delivery attempt outcome categories to reference temporary block timeouts, handling options, and dynamic domain connection limits to support IP reputation.

Domain Connection Limit Enhancements:

  • Configure the number of messages sent per hour.

  • Define retry timing.

  • Deploy other best practices to improve deliverability.

  • Allow customers to set the throttling rules for a specific IP against a domain/domain set or MX, which can be utilized until the reputation of the IP has been established.

  • Download an ISP block from the deliverability report into a CSV file to help diagnose any sending issues.

DomainKeys Identified Mail:

  • DKIM authentication technology is a standard feature., with additional DKIM sub-features.

  • Multiple domain set-up authentication for each email campaign.

  • Easy generation and validation of configuration to generate and confirm DKIM is set up properly.

  • Auto population of “From” domains used by previous mailings which improves efficiency and ensures authentication for the domains that you use email campaigns.

Easy Content Creation

Error Mail Enhancement:

  • Error Mail regular expressions can now reside in a customer-configurable text file named InitRegex.txt.

HeatMap tool:

  • Use a color-coded visual display to see relative clickthrough rates for each link.

  • Easily determine within an email message, which calls to action, which link placement are most effective, and use this information when creating future messages.

  • Receive information in relation to email message design issues, for example, the most clicked link in an ecommerce message target’s support rather than the pitched product’s landing page.

Image Library:

  • Images can be stored directly in the database and included as part of a Message.

Improved Pause Mailing handling when you click the Pause button:

  • Messages that are not yet being sent will not be sent.

  • The response to the pause request is significantly faster.

  • The database cleanup occurs in the background as to not block other activities.

MailStream Technology Optimization:

  • Featuring a high-level overview of the state of your mail server to assist you to make decisions about which MailStream to use when sending a message.

  • Identifies the source of delivery problems after you hit send.

  • Features an at-a-glance view of deliverability to your top domains, so you know the status of the domains that matter the most to your business.

Marketing Calendar:

  • Drag and drop, for managing emails, events and reporting while providing time-based overviews of marketing activities to reveal periods of heightened activity. The Marketing Calendar improves access to mailing reports to enable marketing teams to track events and dates of importance.

  • Schedule or un-schedule mailings by dragging them to a date on the Calendar.

  • Quick access to essential information about mailings and events with a simple “mouse- over” on a mailing to see the name of the mailing, subject line and status or view an event to see its description and recurrence frequency and end date.

  • Navigate to exact mailings within a month, week or day.

  • Edit any scheduled or unscheduled mailing with a click of the mouse.

  • View a time-based record of past marketing activities.

  • Click any sent mailing for that mailings overview report.

Member Add Enhancements

New Visual Design:

  • A new progressive contemporary feel .

  • Enhanced way to access Dundee’s ListManager.

  • Digital marketing automation capabilities.

Optimized Administrative Efficiency

Powerful Campaign Capabilities

Split Tests Features:

  • Use this feature to test the performance of a message sent in the morning verses in the evening.

SSL for all logins and browsers

Test Mail Enhancement:

  • Segments used in the mailing.

  • Segment query and criteria.

  • Number of members meeting the segment criteria.

  • A view link which opens a pop-up displaying the member and the member’s demographic information.

Transactional Messages:

  • Create and activate transactional messages using the normal mailing workflow, then send the message using the TMSendMessage API.

  • Merge recipient-specific information into the message. This information is supplied by the payload data in the TMSendMessage API and is merged into the transactional message using a specific merge tag.

Updated HTML Editor and WYSIWYG Editor:

  • Create content in Microsoft Word, paste directly and cleanly into Dundee’s Lyris ListManager.

  • Use, email campaign merge tags located in a drop-down selector for “one-click” message insertion.

Updated Report Manager, including comprehensive reporting and tracking for better deliverability

Upgrade of TCL interpreter

Web Analytic Integration:

  • Expanded integration such as s Google Analytics, and other custom analytic programs.

  • Track end-to-end behavior of their customers and prospects – from the receipt of an email message, to click-through to a landing page on the website, to conversion (or non-conversion), and all visited web pages.

  • Use this powerful tool to view the recipient’s response to specific email messages including the actions they take on the web site. For example, for follow up campaigns, you can now target the most potentially valuable recipients with calls to action that are most relevant for each recipient’s.