Hosting an event: online or in person? An email invitation is the best way to promote it.
You may be hosting a surprise retirement party for your co-worker or selling specialty toys in a one-day virtual party event on Social Media. In all cases a personalized email invitation will do wonders for attendance.
When social media platforms, such as Facebook, are used to create an event potential attendee can indicate their interest or intention of going. Other parties, who may or may not attend, are visible to everyone and sometimes, so are their comments. If the comments are negative attendance may be down. And if you ask for and RSVP, you may or may not receive one, as its been noted that potential attendees don’t take Facebook RSVP’s seriously.
Nevertheless Facebook events are popular. In fact there are so many Facebook events, if you are planning to post one, consider that it may be overshadowed by the hullaballoo of other online Facebook events. A better way to send out an event invitation, use an email list provider and email those invitations out.
Email invitations work best with a list of invitees in hand. You control the number of people you’re inviting, when the invitations are sent and how you will respond to the RSVP’s.
There’s no real control when you set up a Facebook event, and as such, the people you really want to attend may have backed off from checking them. Plus, Facebook is an endless stream of posts: Members receive notifications and emails when someone, comments on their photo, tags them in a picture, liked their post and so forth. Your event may never be seen, unless your potential attendee knows to look for it. Facebook is an endless barrage of social communication, with virtually no limit on content or in the case of an event, attendees.
If your event has an attendee limit, as most of us only have so much room and money, an open invitation may be problematic. It’s so easy to over invite on Facebook, the 25 limit you want may actually become over 50 guests, 25 whom you didn’t plan for. Facebook makes it easy to non-commit to an event, by selecting interested or maybe interested. Your potential attendee may have forgot to change their response to yes, or maybe to no, so you never get an accurate headcount.
A personalized email invitation is the best way to go. So for your next event, use these suggestions to bolster attendance and plan accordingly:
The proper Subject Line will tell your list member what your email is all about. You can use interesting tag lines, personalize your message, in other words give them a reason to open and read. I would definitely open an invitation that said” “You’re Invited to Mary S. Top Chef Party
As always, the content of your event invite should be clear. If you’re inviting someone to a reception you can include the URL the to bridal registry.
KEEP IT SHORT and INTERESTING: If your invitation is too long; it may be ignored. Be creative, a landing page just for your invited guests may pique their interest.
This is a great way to highlight the bride’s colors or the theme of your event.
You can track your invitations, who opened them, saved them and forwarded them. For those who did respond, set up an autoresponder to say thank you and a reminder email as the day approaches. For those who did not respond, email a second invitation.
May 20-June30