Bulk Email Bad Practices For Fun And Profit Or don’t do this for good results

The year is 2021, sending bulk email (sometimes with Bad Practices) is commonplace, cyber currency may permanently replace cash, and virtual reality is a reality.  You can buy anything from your mobile phone, including a car, body parts can be manufactured by a printer, and anyone can become famous given enough followers. 

However, to follow someone in the year 2021, you need an email address. Why? Because email continues to be the number one communication tool worldwide. In fact, email addresses are a commodity.   

In the world today, an email address is worth money to someone. That includes the spammer the email marketer, and certainly the list owner who keeps track of their subscriber’s demographics for targeted email campaigns.  Because of their value, email addresses, bulk email addresses, are resold several times over. 

Selling and buying bulk email addresses is big business. These addresses are sold with the promise of being legitimate, opted-in and exclusive; features that make purchasing them so much more enticing. However, offers to buy email addresses in bulk, without having control of how they are collected is a bad idea, because sending emails to those addresses is unsolicited.  

Unsolicited emails will ruin your brand reputation. Purchased unsolicited emails are unreliable, unverified, and untargeted, resulting in complaints, bans, and blacklisting. That makes purchasing email addresses number one in our: 

Bulk Email bad practices for fun and profit. Or don’t do this for good results.


  1. USE purchased email lists to send bulk email There’s no guarantee how the addresses were obtained or if they have been confirmed. And you certainly don’t have permission to mail to them.
  2. MAIL to your list from a different domain or company name without explanation.
  3. DO NOT use sanity checks on your website sign-up addresses.
  4. NEVER confirm the subscriber’s email address.
  5. FORGET about  a privacy policy or stick to the one you have.
  6. ASSUME you have permission from everyone to put them on all the lists you own, not just the one they opted-in to.
  7. KEEP using  bad or opted out addresses.
  8. DON’T track opens or click-throughs or use any type of user feedback.
  9. LIE to your ESP about the bulk email list origins.
  10. MAIL WITH SPAM-like or misleading subjects.
  11. USE SPAMMY content to trigger anti-spam filters.
  12. IGNORE all  complaints.
  13. REFUSE to comply with the Can-Spam Act or other laws.
  14. OVERLOOK collecting demographics to use for target mailing.
  15. JUMP from ESP to ESP.
  16. INCLUDE “no-reply” in the sender’s address.
  17. SKIP OVER testing  your emails.
  18. AT NO TIME send personalize email.
  19. DISREGARD landing pages.
  20. OMIT sending a welcome letter.
  21. MAKE IT impossible to unsubscribe from your newsletter.
  22. SEND messages as often as you can, one a day at least.
  23. BY NO MEANS include a CTA. 
  24. DISCOUNT sending relevant well written-content.
  25. FOR NO REASON segment your member list.

Don’t send with worse practices, send your bulk email with best practices, with dundee.net email solutions (mailinglistservices.com) We have unparallel marketing tools, expertise and list management for over 20 years.  Expert assistance, free support, tons of resources, customer templates, and more.   Contact info@dundee.net or visit Dundee’s Mailing List Services.


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