Are You Hitting The Big 3 Email Marketing Objectives?

Regardless of this blog title, there are more than 3 email marketing objectives, and like everything else, some are more important than others.

Email marketing objectives can include:

  • Building Brand Loyalty
  • Establishing trust with your audience
  • Forming Brand awareness
  • Dispersing information
  • Cultivating the interest in the product and or service to gain more customers
  • Engaging customers to interact with your brand, product, or service
  • Generating a pathway to turn prospects into customers with a call-to-action
  • Developing a relationship with your members with, member profile pages
  • Converting prospects to customers
  • Encouraging more website visits
  • or whatever your objective is when sending email campaigns.

Whether you have 3 email marketing objectives or hundreds, to reach any of them, plan out your  campaign,  so you do not lose sight of the goals you hope to achieve.

The goal of your campaign is the purpose of your message.   Why are you sending marketing emails to your list?  Are you promoting a sale, a new product announcement, or a request to get those Christmas orders in early? 

From promoting a new product to sending a simple Holiday Greeting, the content you create should motivate your recipients to perform an action, (e.g. visit your website). Design this action to meet the goal of your message.

The design of the email itself should be neat, easy to navigate, and not too wordy.

And, as far as content goes, remember your audience, do not “write” over their head.  Avoid using industry jargon and acronyms.  Use everyday language with easy-to-understand terms.

Always check spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

And Then: 

Consider a Subject Line that will prompt someone to read your email.  This is the title of your message;  don’t make it too short or too long, but just the right length so it does not leave out crucial words in the preheader

Check your fonts, spacing and avoid text in ALL CAPITALS as words may become difficult to read in this style.  Capital letters are usually reserved for acronyms, AND emphasize, and can be mistaken for SHOUTING.

Try to avoid adding text like click here: use an actual description for your URL link: 

Use a reasonable number of images. Even though everything is optimized and faster,  too many images take attention away from the message.

Check your finished product on various email devices.  Verify the template you use conforms with the way the message should be read.  (e.g. the menu on the mobile phone appears on the bottom instead of the top where it should be)

Be mindful of the fonts, background colors, and text colors used.  Is it easy on the eyes, glaring, or too light to read? 

Test animated GIFs with good ALT text. If there’s a written message, make sure the recipient has time to read it before the gif transitions.

Make the Call-To-Action easy to find, labeled well, with a clickable link to where you want them to go.

From this short list you can see there are more than 3 email marketing objectives. You can reach those objectives and more with the right combination of context, images, and timing, which takes planning, testing, and following good email practices. 

If you’re not getting the results you want or expect, give us a call. (734-529-5331)

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