Email Marketing, What is New was Once Old

Solomon observed “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun” a proverb recorded in Ecclesiastes 1:9 These words of wisdom can be applied to everything including our daily lives, history, current events, and yes, even email marketing.

Marketing itself, creating promotions, campaigns and advertising, to sell or trade for products and services has been around since the dawn of time, or nearly.  The modern marketing jargon and methods may have changed but the concept is the same.  This includes the concept of branding.

Branding facilitates product recognition, trust and loyalty all aimed at the customer and prospect. 

Marketing is used to promote, and ultimately influence the customer to purchase the product and/or service.

When you combine both marketing and branding, using email as the vehicle, there is the opportunity to initiate direct communication with customer or prospect.  You can make your email marketing message personal, address specific concerns, or have a discussion on the precise benefits of a product your customer is looking for.  

Email marketing fosters brand awareness, when delivery is consistent and organized offering solution focused content.  It allows you to take this age-old concept of marketing and automate your process, to get the right message to the right people at the right time. ‘

Start your New Year with an age-old concept;-sign up for a 30 day no obligation trial

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