Email Marketing

Do you use targeted email marketing campaigns?

Targeted email marketing is a strategy. It is the ability to take many list members and break them into smaller units by segments based on specific demographics:  Dog owners, cat owners, women, men who live in Alaska, and so on

Using this approach, the targeted email marketer can connect with specific, well defined groups of people to build relationships and trust as they engage the audience with personalization.   It allows the marketer to:

  • Directly speak (Market) to a well-defined audience
  • Increase customer loyalty
  • Distinguish yourself (products and services) from competitors
  • Increase your customer awareness and their interests
  • Improve products and services base on customer engagement
  • Distinguish your brand from competitors

Do you use targeted email marketing campaigns?

If you collect user demographics, such as profile data, location, and user behavior, your subscribers should be receiving personalize just in time, targeted email messages from you

With all the data mining going on, created by the digital world we live it, the practice of using user information, from what we buy, to the food we eat is normal.  For example, using Google, when searching for fishing, google spills out fishing ads as we surf the net for other things.   We shop on Amazon for shoes, we see ads for shoes at Amazon when we go online.   We buy cheese at Kroger’s; we get cheese coupons in the mail to buy more.   It’s a markers dream come true

The digital world has also created a consumer who is well informed, selective, and expects more for their money.  For the most part, today’s shoppers expect some degree of personalization from the brands they patronize, and from those they don’t.

With targeted email marketing, you, the marketer can sell to your customer base on an entirely different level.  You can send personalized emails in bulk.  An email that .starts off with Hello Mr. or Mrs. (Smith), mentions the dog (Fido), and that he or she lives in an area in Texas that’s experiencing a heatwave.  Your recipient, in this case, Mr. Smith is more apt to read your entire message and 30% more likely to click on your link that’s selling air conditioners

And with transactional email if Mr. Smith decides to buy that air conditioner, its ordered online, paid online, shipped and the transactions are all spelled out in email automatically sent to him; including the manual, warranty. and sales receipt in a PDF link.

This personal connection when you send targeted email to each and every subscriber, regardless of the list size will lend to a more engaged recipient with your brand

How to begin a targeted marketing campaign?

  • Collect subscribers’ demographics:
    Create a survey, quiz or game that has an award (discount coupon) when submitted
    Use profile pages to pinpoint their interests
    When they purchase, record the State and or Zip-code

    Ask your list member to fill out a profile form for future mailings 

  • Define your segments:
    Depending on the data you collect, location, age, pets, married or single and so forth, you can get as specific as you want
    Segment your list based on the current relationships you have with your list owner: they purchase dog food once a month.
    Segment based on loyalty, give those subscribers advanced sales on products, services or events


  • Set a goal for each segment
    Has the list member performed an action as the result of your targeted email?

And the benefits of targeted email

  • Increase your ROI as a result of subscriber engagement and conversions
  • Better email delivery
  • Better relationships and more referrals to your list

Email is the number one way you can get proactive with your customers.  With targeted email marketing you can get down to specifics, that allow the marketer to create emails with a personal touch.  With a few steps in you can reach the right person at the right time with an email that will be read.

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