SPAM for Fun and Profit

Sending SPAM for profit is a big business.   SPAMMERS are notorious for getting their messages out no matter what the cost. They hop from ESP to ESP – burning bridges as they go.  They are known to recruit anyone they can with a computer to send their SPAM for them.  Haven’t you seen the offers to send mass email from your home computer for cash?  This makes YOU a SPAMMER, which in the end, will get you kicked off your ISP.

Spammers know,  not everyone is interested in the promise of Enhanced Sexual Prowess and the Secret to Enteral Life.  Spammers think, what’s the big deal, it’s only email, and the recipient can easily delete unwanted messages or filter them out as junk mail.  Even so, some SPAMMER try to stay “legal” by including a PO BOX or physical address and an unsubscribe link (working or not) in their messages – but that does not change the questionable, unwanted junk emails they send.

We get it; the bottom line, Spammers do not care if it is right or wrong, unwanted and unsolicited. It’s their business.

SPAMMERS believe SPAM works because there are always a few recipients that open, read and act on their messages.  SPAM sells, and unfortunately, that encourages them to send more.

While they sell their magic cures and resell hanging tomato planters as I mentioned before , their mindset  is,  “it’s only email, it doesn’t cost anything to send and there’s little to none legal accountabilities associated with sending unsolicited  mail” so why not?

It is interesting to note some SPAMMERS (cases) were fined for violation of Federal and in some cases a State law:

Failing to offer an opt-out method

Using “free” in your subject line which maybe seen as deceptive.

Violation of California SPAM Laws

Failure to include a valid physical address

ISP’s also have their rules too, such as YAHOO (  However, none of these measures has stopped SPAMMERS

When SPAMMERS manage to find an ESP (Email Service Provider) to work with, whether upfront with their intentions but most likely not,  it’s the ESP’s sending reputation and black listing which causes havoc.  The SPAMMER can just pick up and leave, the ESP, well has to work through all the damage done to their business.

Damage to their business includes  the time it takes to parley with other ISP’s  (anyone from AOL to Yahoo),  working with the Black list companies,  possibly losing some customers,  and probably not getting paid from the SPAMMER in one way or another.  To recoup losses, your ESP might raise their prices and in some cases have gone out of business because of lost revenues.

However, money isn’t everything – SPAMMERS may not have cost you anything but they have altered your online behavior.

SPAMMERS have caused loss of trust.  How eager are you to click on an email invitation to download a free program or install a toolbar that may have some practical features, but can carry more “SPAMWEAR” than the emails you receive.  Did several of your friends send you an email with a  link that they think you’ll enjoy –Delete don’t Click: A SPAMMER obtained someone’s address book and you’re in it.

SPAMMERS steal our time.  How many email addresses do you manage? You probably started with one, your primary address then maybe a second one for newsletters or company offers. You may have opened a third to keep those other boxes “clean” of SPAM, using your third and maybe fourth email address when you really don’t care about leaving your email address on a form or offer  Have you noticed even if you never signed up for anything online, invariably you will start receiving those SPAMMY messages.

For example I have my company email, an AOL address that I rarely use, which is always riveted with SPAM a Gmail account and a Yahoo account which is bursting with SPAM.  I don’t use any of those email  boxes, just a member of convenience (for example) to use Yahoo Groups and Yahoo messenger. The aforementioned email accounts get so much SPAM they become unusable.  So free does come with a price.

Spammers do not care.

Stamp out SPAM

As a legitimate email  marketer, you should  want to disassociate yourself with any inkling of being a SPAMMER.  Follow the CANN-SPAM ACT and check local State Laws.   Listen to your ESP, after all they should know the Best Email Practices, help you with your online email reputation and assist when someone complains.

Knowing your email’s spam score across receiving domains prior to each send gives you a view of how your emails will be filtered and routed, and provides you with the opportunity to adjust your content and maximize deliverability.

Lyris ListManager uses a ContentChecker for Email to test your email content against rules widely adopted by receiving domains to provide you with a spam score, which indicates whether your emails will arrive in your recipients’ inbox or junk folder.  An important tool for any email marketer.

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