Dundee Internet’s list services for non-profit agencies, non-commercial organizations and individuals alike enjoy professional list management hosting with the full power and professional features of Lyris ListManager™ at competitive prices.
Host your group email and discussion lists with the most experienced Lyris ListManager™ provider on the planet! – Dundee Internet – Featuring a fast and reliable mailing list service complete with a web interface, for administrators and users, digests, index options, and searchable archives:
list fee = basic hosting fee + (volume surcharge * size multiplier)
A moderately active list of 170 subscribers sends 6 messages a day in a 31-day month for a total of 31,620 messages 40k in size. Using the formula above:
$29.95 (MRC)*+ ((((31,620 monthly messages – 10,600 (discount))/1000) x $0.80) ) = $46.76
An extremely active list of 70 subscribers sends 100 messages a day in a 31 day month for a total of 217,000 messages 40k in size. Using the formula above:
$29.95 (MRC)* + ((((217,000 messages – 10,600) (discount) /1000) $0.80) = $195.07
Have multiple lists to manage?
Order the Virtual Email List Server for Nonprofits: a service plan designed specifically for organizations having multiple lists hosting needs.
500 Subscribers or less? Try Dundee Silver
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