Subjects like triggers, transactional emails, and reengagement are presented online in blogs by the 100’s. There’s guidance on how to write an email campaign, who should write it and what department should handle it.
Moreover, as a marketer, you can find help on how to read your campaign statistics, what they should be, and how to improve those statistics with your next mailing.
So much advice offered to be a great email marketer. And so little time to know it all.
However, there is one thing all marketers know without research; to get results you have to continue to email and aim to get your message in the in-box and get it read.
If you follow online recommendations, you will find a variety of suggestions on how to get this done. But email marketing is basically a moving target. Marketers find that some things work well in some situations, while other things do not. Those things that do not work well, may just need some marketer creativity to be successful.
Become a great email marketer by being creative and successful with dynamic content, also known as conditional content. This type of content is considered active in that it presents information to the reader based on their responses (e.g., a survey), their interests (you know from their member profile page they filled out) and needs (e.g., they only want your emails when there’s a coupon).
Using dynamic content is easy, but there are steps that need to be followed, such as collecting demographic data from each list member. You can set up profile pages and ask each member, (by email of course) any personal data you feel they will answer. Our service offers unlimited data fields; therefore, our customers collect as much information as they need.