29 Ways to Collect Email Addresses for Your Business

Simple and easy ways to collect email addresses.

  1. Place an offer to join your mailing list on the back of your business cards.
  2. Participating in a trade-shows: Offer to sign-up people right on the spot using a tablet-let them know, of course, they will receive an email to confirm their membership
  3. Include a newsletter sign-up link in your email signature block.
  4. Invite your address book members to join your list.
  5. Join the local Chamber of Commerce, email the member list, introduce yourself, with a link to sign up to your newsletter. 
  6. Host your own event –  and request attendees to sign up with their email address.
  7. Offer a birthday club; give something special to people who sign up.
  8. Incentivize your employees – Give them $ for collecting VALID email addresses.
  9. Give away something for free on your website, like a PDF. Ask website visitors to sign up to your opt-in form before you let them download it.
  10. Referrals – Ask your customers to refer your company in email, and in exchange you’ll give them a discount.
  11. Bounce-backs – Get them back! – Send a postcard or make a phone call and ask for their updated email address.
  12. Trade newsletter space with a neighboring business, include a link for their opt-in form and ask them to include yours in their newsletter.
  13. SEO – Make sure you optimize your site for keywords. You need to be at the top of the natural search when people are looking for your products or services. Include a link to join your list in the email envelope.
  14. Giveaways – Collect email addresses by offering something tangible in exchange for their email address as well as their postal address. e.g. a bottle of water or key-chain
  15. Do you have a postal list without emails? Send them a direct mail offer they can only get if they sign up to your email list.
  16. Include opt-in offer to join your mailing list on every page on your website.
  17. Popup windows – When someone attempts to leave your site, pop up a window and ask for the email address.
  18. Include a forward-to-a-friend link in your emails just in case your recipient wants to forward your content to someone.
  19. Offer a community – Use Ning (https://www.ning.com/) as your easy-to-set-up community and have your visitors interact and sign up for your newsletter.
  20. Offer “Email only” discounts
  21. Telemarketing – If you’ve got people on the phone, don’t hang up until you ask if you can add them to your newsletter.
  22. Put a fishbowl on your counter , collect business cards (and ask for their email if not included) for a weekly prize giveaway of your product – then announce it to your newsletter.
  23. Include an opt-in form inside your emails for those people who get your email forwarded to them.
  24. Join a group like BNI, ask members to join your list.
  25. Use Facebook – Host your own discussion group.  Ask people to join your mailing list for more information.
  26. Post the hosted link to your newsletter on all your social media accounts.
  27. Include an opt-in form link on your Facebook Fan page.
  28. Every purchase made is an opportunity to collect an address.
  29. Use Twitter – Tweet the hosted link of your email campaign every time you launch. If you’ve got any additional ideas, let’s hear them!

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