Best Email Marketing & List Management Services | Dundee Internet
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Optional Services
Optional Services / Additional Services:
One-on-One Service
Dundee One-on-One offers expert assistance in the following areas:
Assistance with your newsletter or announcement composition
Format your message for HTML, plain text, or both
Create a matching
to complement your existing website
Upload and test your content
Schedule your mailings
Personalized training
Analyze and interpret your mailing reports
Upload your subscribers
Other Services Lyris™ ListManager Managed Services
Lyris™ ListManager application installation
Lyris™ ListManager install upgrades and configuration
Mail Stream implementation
Database administration and management for MSSQL and MSDE
Troubleshooting and error translation and correction
Discussion List Services
Email discussion list hosting featuring Lyris™ ListManager with:
Flexible List preferences
List Security
Search Read and Contribute
Integrate with existing Web sites and databases
A Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) – you are only required to have an
internet browser, nothing more
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