Member profile forms allow your list members to see and edit what information ListManager is using for them. To create a member profile form go to the left hand of the screen and select “Utilities-Web Forms-Member Profile Forms.”
On the screen for “Member Profile Form” click “Create New” on the top right.
On the screen for the “Profile” fill in a “Title and Description”. Under “Form Fields” select options for Name and Password (password default is NO). Under “Lists” select the option of “Choose List” if you’re setting up multiple lists for your Member Profile form. Select “Demographics” if you’re using Demographics in your Member Profile form. Select available Demographics to grab the chosen Demographics for your form.
Use the “Advanced” tab it shows that this profile form applies to your current list(s). You have the option of setting a “Destination URL” which will take the user to the URL specified here. If no URL is specified, they will be taken to a generic page thanking them for entering a member profile. For the “Show confirming web page” If you set it to yes your users will see a quick confirmation page after creating or editing the member profile, informing them that they were successful. They will then be taken immediately to the destination URL page if one is set, otherwise they are taken to a generic “thank you” page.
Select the Preview button to see your form. Then click “Save” to save your member profile form!
Once you click “Save” the next screen will provide you with HTML code for you to copy and paste on a page of your website. You will then have a form as an option for your subscribers to update their profiles.
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