How To Import Members Using a CVS File

Importing Your Subscribers Using a CSV file

A CSV file is a file created in a spreadsheet program. CSV stands for (comma separated values).

You can use Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet program like Open Office to set up your columns for your subscribers.

A CSV file contains the information you would like imported for your subscribers info. To set up a CSV file you need to make rows that contain data that the Lyris™ database can read.

The first row of the file tells Lyris ListManager™ which field the data in each column should be imported into. See screenshot below.

To create a .CSV file of your subscribers, follow the steps below:

1. Open your spreadsheet program.
2. Create your columns shown in the screen shot above. Row (1) needs to have the info that corresponds to the default database fields in Lyris ListManager™. They need to be typed as shown in row 1 followed by an underscore. For the following rows starting with row (2) under heading (A) you can now type in your subscribers email address. Then in the next column of heading (B) you can type in their name.
3. When saving a file, it needs to be saved as a .CSV. To do this, click File and Save As in your spreadsheet program. Choose CSV (comma delimited) *CSV. from the “Save As Type” in dropdown then click Save.

Importing The CSV File

After you have created your CSV file now it is time to import it into your Lyris ListManager™. Log into your account and go to “Members-Add Members-Import from CSV file.

In the new window for “Import Members from CSV File click the circle next to the action you would like your Lyris ListManager™ to do. If you are not sure just choose the top choice for now. Then click on browse to locate your saved CSV file.

Click on the “Import” button to upload your list. Once your list is imported and everything is successful you will get a message of how many members were successful imports.

Setting Up Additional Columns

Once you have your original spreadsheet, you can use the same spreadsheet to configure additional information you would like to be imported and store for your subscribers.

Below are other column names you can type in for inputting additional information into your Lyris ListManager™ database.


Specifies the membership status. Some of the formats that can be used are “needs-goodbye, needs-hello,
needs-confirm, unsub or held.


Placeholder for any information you want to store associated with this member. Such as “Client, Prospect, Friend”.




To specify a segment group for creating a mailing segment.


To specify a segment group for creating a mailing segment.

In the screenshot below you can see how to setup the additional columns for your CSV file for your subscribers list. The columns for “Field_10_ and Field_1_” can be added for creating segments at a later time so you could do mailings to groups of subscribers that fall into that segment group. If one of your subscribers does not need to be in a group you can leave the field blank.

Now you can upload your updated CSV file choosing the settings shown in the screenshot below.

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