Triggered mailings

Advance Mailings

Triggered mailings are a feature of Lyris ListManager™ Enterprise, and are unavailable for standard.

Trigger Mailings

In order for triggers to appear they must first be created in Segments. Once you have created a segment you can then create a “New Triggered Mailing’ using New Triggered Mailing Wizard.

Triggered Mailing Wizard


A new window will appear. Start by selecting a name for the triggered mailing. The name will not be seen by the recipient, it is just a way for you to identify later what the mailing was.


Here you will select your trigger from the drop down box.

Track Opens:

This will allow you to track what percentage of your messages were opened by recipients who can see HTML. Opens cannot be tracked for recipients who cannot see HTML.

Detect HTML Capability:

This will allow you to track whether or not a recipient is able to read HTML. If the recipient can see HTML, the recipient’s member record will be updated with that information.

Track all URLs:

To make all URLs in the mailing clickthrough tracking URLs, choose Yes.

Time after the Trigger Event:

Select the number of hours/days/weeks/months/years before or after the trigger event the mailing should be sent. As an example: if a member has purchased a widget on September 16th, 2008, you can then send a mailing a week after the purchase (this being the trigger event) instead of sending it immediately. Then the setting would be “a week afterwards”. The “before” option is for future triggers that you may anticipate, such as a member birthday or anniversary. This would send the triggered mailing the set time prior to the upcoming event.

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